[dev] Turba: js function sortby()

Michael Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Sat, 12 Jan 2002 23:18:01 +0000

I don't think it has ever existed. I can't find any record of it being there in
- Mike

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>:

> Does anybody know when or why the javascript function sortby() disappeared 
> from Turba? It is still called when you click on the column header but I 
> found it nowhere in the sources.
> Jan.
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>From pgc@ucecom.com Date: 14 Jan 2002 15:04:07 -0500
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Subject: Groups and Categories

So I noticed some end of year changes to Group.php and Category.php and
I started playing again. So i've been able to add groups and subgroups
again but when I try to add users I get confused.

Suppose I have a CategoryObject_Group $cog and I try,


then this adds the user successfully to the object but doesn't update
the data in the database. What I find confusing is;

$cog->addUser("fred") is 

function addUser($username)
   $this->data['users'][$username] = 1;

function updateGroup($group)
  if (!((get_class($group) == 'categoryobject_group') ||
              is_subclass_of($group, 'CategoryObject_Group'))) {
    return PEAR::raiseError('Groups must be CategoryObject_Group objects
or extend that class.');
    return $this->groups->updateCategory($group, $group);

$cog->groupOb->groups is a category_sql object but the updateCategory
that gets executed is from the category class (which doesn't/shouldn't
have any sql) not the category_sql class. Am I going mad? (i'm tired so
this is my suspicion ;-) 


Paul Cooper                             |  Tel: 0121 331 7858
Senior Programmer and Database Engineer |  Fax: 0121 331 7859
UCEcom                                  |  mailto:pgc@ucecom.com
University of Central England           |  http://www.ucecom.com
Birmingham, B4 7DX                      |