[dev] Re: [cvs] cvs commit: imp login.php redirect.php horde/lib Lang.php
Jan Schneider
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 00:44:28 +0100
The discussion was not to switch 2 and 4 but 2 and 3. That means the
language the user selected with the drop down list on the login screen
should have precedence about the language that the administrator set as
I agree that the browser language should be left in this order where it it.
Zitat von Nuno Loureiro <nuno@eth.pt>:
> Hi!
> In my opinion you shouldn't switch 2 and 3. Letting the default value
> for the language preferences empty is a good option, because an
> administrator can let the user choose the language automatically by the
> browser (setting the default value for the language empty in prefs.php)
> or can force a language and ignore the browser.
> What happens a lot for non-english users is that lots of them download a
> browser and don't set its default language because either they do not
> want (like me) or because they don't know about the option (newbies) or
> even because they forget to configure it (most users). Most users that
> have it configured got their browser in the ISP CD or in a local site
> (that have it configured by default).
> Imagine for example, that I want to implement a free webmail site in
> Portugal. I'd like the site to appear in Portuguese only (or unless the
> user explicitly chooses another language). Switching 2 and 3 would not
> let me do it, and the alternative (of setting the default value empty)
> would.
> Regards,
> Nuno Loureiro
> >Zitat von Jon Parise <jon@horde.org>:
> >
> >> On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 05:33:28AM -0800, Jan Schneider wrote:
> >> > > After login
> >> > 1) The user's preference
> >> > 2) The preference's default value
> >> > 3) The language selected on the login screen
> >> > 4) The browser's accept-language header
> >> > 5) The default value in $nls
> >> > Shouldn't 2 and 3 be switched, allowing the user to override the
> >> default?
> >
> >Now that I thought about it a bit this would require too much
> >modification in the preference backend. It's not worth it if you
> >achieve the same goal by setting the default value empty.
> >
> >Currently we can't determine if a preference is set by a user or the
> >default value from prefs.php. But this would be necessary if we want to
> >switch 2 and 3.
> >
> >I think it's better to remove the default value for the language
> >preferences in all applications' prefs.php.dist. We have a horde wide
> >default value in lang.php anyway and selecting the language rather from
> >the browser or the login screen than from the administrator's gusto
> >definitely makes sense.
> >
> >Jan.
> >
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> Nuno Loureiro <nuno@eth.pt>
> Ethernet, Soluções Informáticas, LDA
> http://www.eth.pt
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