[dev] nic and whois

Mathieu Arnold arn_mat@club-internet.fr
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 20:46:37 +0100

--On jeudi 7 mars 2002 14:09 -0500 Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org> wrote:

> Quoting Mathieu Arnold <arn_mat@club-internet.fr>:
>> http://www.absolight.fr/mat/diff.diff
> Please read Horde's CODING_STANDARDS; the ereg_replace you use here is
> completely unnecessary.

well, it works for me, if you want to edit it so that it fits your will, go 
on :)

>> http://www.absolight.fr/mat/whois.php
> This file is empty. Or perhaps parsed by your server?


Mathieu Arnold

>From chuck@horde.org Date: Thu,  7 Mar 2002 20:18:40 -0500
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Subject: Re: [dev] nic and whois

Quoting Mathieu Arnold <arn_mat@club-internet.fr>:

> well, it works for me, if you want to edit it so that it fits your will, go 
> on :)

That's not the point. If you're going to submit patches, and you ignore the 
coding standards, you're making the developer's lives harder and making it much 
less likely that your patches will be rejected/ignored.

> http://www.absolight.fr/mat/whois.php.txt

Committed, thanks.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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