[dev] Horde patches

Cliff Green green@UMDNJ.EDU
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 14:46:46 -0500

Quoting Jan Kuipers <jrkuipers@lauwerscollege.nl>:

> Hello,
> I wanted the opportunity to append the name of our school to the 
> Horde/IMP/Gollem loginscreen. To accomplish this, I put an extra variable
> in the registry (append_name) and slightly modified the login.inc templates
> of the regarding applications. P.e. I use 'append_name' => '<br>Lauwers
> College'
> The patch can be found here:
> http://home.wanadoo.nl/~jrkuipers/horde_150302.diff

Interesting.  I did almost the same thing, except instead of appending the
name of the school, I added a variable, 'banner', which is used if it exists
and is ignored if it isn't, allowing the 'name' variable to display, as usual.

<---registry.php diff--->
*** registry.php.dist   Fri Mar 15 14:38:13 2002
--- registry.php        Fri Mar 15 14:32:39 2002
*** 25,26 ****
--- 25,27 ----
      'name' => _("Horde"),
+     'banner' => _("UMDNJ WebMail"),
      'allow_guests' => false,
<---registry.php diff--->

<---login.inc diff--->
*** login.inc.dist      Tue Mar 12 17:03:13 2002
--- login.inc   Tue Mar 12 17:03:34 2002
*** 62,64 ****
  <tr><td align="center" colspan="2" class="header">
-   <?php printf(_("Welcome to %s"), (Auth::getProvider() == 'imp') ? \
$registry->getParam('name', 'horde') : $registry->getParam('name')) ?> 
--- 62,64 ----
  <tr><td align="center" colspan="2" class="header">
+   <?php printf(_("Welcome to %s"), (Auth::getProvider() == 'imp') ? \
$registry->getParam(($registry->getParam('banner')) ? 'banner' : 'name', \
'horde') : $registry->getParam('name')) ?>
<---login.inc diff--->

Note that I'm only showing login.inc for imp here - it should be the same
elsewhere (I use imp for auth).

Cliff Green
Academic Computing Services - UMDNJ
Signature under NDA

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