[dev] Order by Thread

Federico Giannici giannici@neomedia.it
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:02:06 +0000

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Federico Giannici <giannici@neomedia.it>:
> > After I click on "Order by Thread", how can I return to my default
> > ordering (by date received)?
> Click on the column headers like you normally do.

I use the Arrival order, so there is no column...

I have just noticed that Max commited a patch to add an Arrival column!
I like this idea very much and I hope it will be merged to RELENG!

> > Moreover, I don't like the place were the "Order by Thread" link is
> > placed: the other adjacent links operate on the selected messages,
> > while that link operates on the entire mailbox view.
> Do you have a suggestion for where it ought to be?

The right place should be in the columns header...
What about adding a "Thread" link aligned to the RIGHT of the "Object"
I think this is the most intuitive position...

   |-                      giannici@neomedia.it
   |ederico Giannici      http://www.neomedia.it

        Amministratore unico - NEOMEDIA sas