Turba Groups First Look

Michael Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 11:24:23 +0000

For those that are interesting in what I'm up to with Groups in Turba... here's
some news.

So far working is:
- Displaying a group
- Creating a group
- Deleteing a group (this moves all contacts to the root group)
- Deleteing a contact(s)
- Moving contacts to another group contained within the current one.
- Changing the sort order of the columns.

Known Issues:
So far there is alot of reliance on the addressbook being modifiable, and no
testing has been done with LDAP or multiple address books yet.

Turba_Group is implemented, it also gained a search function which works the
same as the Turba_Source search funtion, but only acts on a group.

The last one is something that could be easily moved to the browse.php and
associated head.inc pretty easily. 
There's a screen shot at:

And a patch and zip of the new files at

Feel free to send coments, constructive critsism, UI ideas, desired features and
we'll see what I can do.

- Mike

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