[Troll] Supersedes [was [dev] [Troll] Let the user cancel her/his articles]

Thierry Thomas thierry@pompo.net
Sun, 7 Apr 2002 21:26:39 +0200

Le  7 avr 02 à 13:00:12 +0000, Chuck Hagenbuch écrivait :
> > I have written a patch to enable cancel within Troll.
> Committed, thanks!

And the following patch enables Supersedes:

same address, <URL:http://pompo.net/horde/troll/troll.patch>.
Th. Thomas.

>From chuck@horde.org Date: Sun,  7 Apr 2002 15:49:02 -0400
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Subject: Re: [dev] [Troll] Supersedes [was [dev] [Troll] Let the user cancel her/his articles]

Quoting Thierry Thomas <thierry@pompo.net>:

> And the following patch enables Supersedes:

Committed, thanks.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
 and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan

>From slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu Date: Sun,  7 Apr 2002 16:21:53 -0600
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Subject: Re: [dev] Horde/IMP OpenPGP functionality - UPDATES

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu>:

|   http://bigworm.colorado.edu/imp-patches/openpgp/


|   * should all this stuff only work with a secure HTTP server?  If so,
| should this go in the Horde_Crypt class?

This is now implemented - anything dealing with a passphrase (key
generation, signing a message, decrypting a message) is not allowable
without a secure connection.  Essentially, the code won't let you input the
passphrase at all.

|   * Right now, the code tries to guess which public key to use - maybe we
| should just load all the public keys into a keyring and let the program
| figure out - this may provide better results

Changed my algorithim - it now does a single best guess of the public key
from the list of available keys.  If that doesn't work, it will then load
all public keys it can find (i.e. all keys stored in the Turba DB) and lets
GPG decide if any will work.

Other changes:
  * all importation of keys is done in a separate window
  * can now import a personal public/private keypair
  * thanks to Joshua's recent suggestion, the pgp preference page (self-
contained in its own file) is now directly called from the preferences
screen.  THis is really nice because if the PGP preference is locked, or it
is turned off, none of the PGP functionality will be displayed.

as always i would appreciate any comments, criticisms, concerns.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

>From akira@kurogane.net Date: Mon,  8 Apr 2002 08:02:24 +0900
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Subject: Re: [dev] Re: Deathly quiet

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> >Quoting Jan Schneider
> > I see no problems in requiring a certain php extension to run a
> > multibyte enabled version of IMP. .... 

> I don't see any reason that we couldn't abstract it so that it'd be 
> configurable and work for people who didn't have the extension.
> -chuck

That's great news, just what I needed to know. If you could give me some
pointers on how this abstraction works (just a url to a relevant document would
suffice) I'll see to it that it gets done.


>From Kurogane.net

>From jan@horde.org Date: Mon,  8 Apr 2002 01:17:14 +0200
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Subject: Re: [dev] SuperGlobals variables

Zitat von Nuno Loureiro <nuno@eth.pt>:

>    Since IMP now needs php 4.1.x, and other horde apps probably too,
> I've done a couple of patches to replace the old global variables
> introduced in php 4.1.0 ($_POST, $_GET, $_SERVER, $_SESSION, $_COOKIE,
> $_ENV, $_REQUEST).

OK, I've got all patches locally applied here and ready to commit. Does 
anybody has any objections against changing the variables in general or for 
a specific application?


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