[dev] LDAP preferences scope
Edwin Culp
Sat, 18 May 2002 12:40:32 -0700
Quoting Jon Parise <jon@horde.org>:
| hordePrefs:: aW1wOnF1b3RlX3ByZWZpeDp8IA==
| hordePrefs:: aW1wOnNlYXJjaF9zb3VyY2VzOndvcmxkaW50ZXJuZXQJbmV0Y2VudGVy
I just went back to square 0 but this time I logged out of horde/imp
before ldapdelete of the test user. I then added a clean user and
couldn't log on possibly because of the lack of a default variable?
Notice: Undefined index: hordeprefs in /usr/src/horde/lib/Prefs/ldap.php on line 339
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started
at /usr/src/horde/lib/Prefs/ldap.php:339) in /usr/src/horde/imp/redirect.php on
line 94
But the second time works?? It is easy to duplicate.
Without doing anything with imp/horde an ldapsearch shows the strange,
what I thought was encoded, hordePrefs:: value. I left the values both
before and after because, unless I am mistaken they are usually in the
modification order.
hordePrefs: imp:reply_quote:1
hordePrefs:: aW1wOnF1b3RlX3ByZWZpeDo+IA==
hordePrefs: imp:compose_popup:1
I have tested it much more and doesn't seem to cause any problems. I'll
try to isolate it by modifying the prefs one by one and see if I can determine
which pref it is.
Hope this helps some.
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