[dev] Residual preferences defeating locked prefs

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Fri, 31 May 2002 16:26:08 -0600

I don't know whether this is intentional behavior or not... But user 
preferences stored in a preferences storage system will overrule any locked 
preferences that may be set by an admin.

For example, say an admin originally has the maintenance preferences turned 
on and all sub-preferences unlocked (e.g. purge_trash_interval).  A user 
goes and makes modifications to the global prefs (say the default value is 
to purge the trash once a month) storing the new value (let's say they 
choose every login) in the local preferences storage (e.g. LDAP, SQL).  
Then the admin decides to lock the 'purge_trash_interval' pref.  
Unfortunately, since theis key exists in the user's stored preferences it 
blows away any admin specified preferences.  This is beacuse it does not 
appear that the Prefs Storage classes do any check on whether a specified 
preference is locked or not.

Is this the desired behavior?  i don't think the admin should be 
responsible for cleaning out the entire preferences storage system every 
time they lock a preference - especially considering that the locked 
preference may only be a temporary thing.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder