[dev] IMP options -> addressbooks are no longer configurable in HEAD

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:37:11 -0700

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

| Quoting Edwin Culp <eculp@encontacto.net>:
| > With current head version, I no longer have configuration options for
| > addressbooks.  IMP -> Options -> addressbooks has the Addressbooks title
| > and an empty space followed by the three "Save options", "undo options"
| > and "return to options" buttons, only. 
| I can't reproduce this. Maybe your imp/config/prefs.php is borked?

That was what I thought, Chuck, but I'm using the .dist version with no 

// $Horde: imp/config/prefs.php.dist,v 1.108 2002/06/06 22:59:49 slusarz Exp $

I just copied the .dist file to prefs.php :-(

I am using ldap for prefs but I can't imagine how that would cause something
so strange.  

STOP - Check ldap prefs and manually erase.

I did that and it is fine, now.  Why?  I have no idea but it works. 
Actually, it probably has something to do with my testing locked and
unlocked prefs a couple of weeks ago and changing address book names
in sources.php a day or so ago. 

