[dev] sork modules and Horde

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 21:54:31 -0500

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> > Note: I don't have any desire to put them on the "projects" page...
> > Just the modules and faq pages.
> K. I'd be fine with adding it there, too. Either that or replacing the 
> projects page entirely, since it doesn't do _that_ much that the cvs 
> modules page doesn't do, and maintaining both seems kinda silly.

I've always envisioned the "projects" page being more of the "here are
the supported, released, major projects within Horde that are of 
general interest and applicable to all supported platforms" (okay, I know 
that not all of them have always been released, but...)

The CVS modules page then kind of picks up all the modules in CVS; it includes
the "projects" page ones, but also includes the "still being developed," the
"minor" modules, the "not-yet-ready for prime-time" modules, the platform or
installation specific modules, etc.

I know there isn't really a true line to separate these groups, but that's
just my own thought process as to the two pages...

> At least, without some better site-management software. But that's an 
> _entirely_ different ballgame. =)


> -chuck

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

"TAD (Technology Attachment Disorder) is an unshakable, impractical devotion
to a brand, platform, product line, or programming language. It's relatively
harmless among the rank and file, but when management is afflicted the damage
can be measured in dollars. It's also contagious -- someone with sufficient
political clout can infect an entire organization."

--"Enterprise Strategies" columnist Tom Yager.