[dev] Gollem in new cvs update

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Sun, 7 Jul 2002 11:31:02 -0500

Quoting Edwin Culp <eculp@encontacto.net>:

> I just did a cvs update of head and while checking, I decided to take
> a look at gollem.  I hadn't actually looked at it since the vfs changes.
> I was surprised to see a flat view of the tree in my home directory.  It
> looks like a ls -r without having any idea which file is in which directory.
> Is anyone else seeing this or have I missed something in the new
> configuration?

I'm seeing mine correctly as a hierachy.
> Thanks,
> ed
> -- 
> -- 
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Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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