[dev] mime type icons

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 15:51:24 +0200

The current logic to determine the correct icon for a mime type is broken.
It can be seen best in Chora.

We first try to get the icon from the application, then from Horde and then
for text/plain from Horde. The last should probably changed to get the icon
from Horde's default.
But the problem is in the first step. If the application doesn't have an own
mime driver it returns the the default icon (being the text icon in Chora).
To fix this we either have to remove the default entries from the
applications' mime_drivers.php or change the logic to detecting the mime
icon to the following: Try to get an exact match from the application, try
to get an exact match from Horde, try to get the default from the
application, get the default from Horde.


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