[dev] Multiple Calendar

Joel Vandal jvandal@subi.to
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:36:39 -0400

> Thanks for your hard work on the multiple calendars, really looking
forward to
> being able to use it.
> I have a small point that you probably won't agree with. I'd find it more
> convenient to be able to have a single event and be able to tick
checkboxes as
> to which calendars it should be in, instead of having to add the same
event to
> 3 different calendars (if appropriate).

I agree with your point. On my wishlist...

When creating a new event, User will be able to specify in what calendar add
the event. A checklist (calendar[]) with the list of all calendars.will be
displayed (user selectable options).

The new event will be created il all checked calendar.

Joel Vandal