[dev] cvs head problem?

Emily A. Carl emilyac@wanet.net
Tue, 06 Aug 2002 12:50:16 -0700


On my CVS HEAD, after I get the search results, I get 
Notice: Undefined index: folder in /path/horde_20020802/imp_20020802/templates/mailbox/searchfolder.inc on line 8

displayed right above the list of search result messages even before I Select All
and Delete.

The Delete triggers a screen update with the messages still there unselected 
and not colored as deleted.  Note that the same "Undefined index" message is 
displayed directly above the list of messages, still.

> * Search for something.
> * Use 'select all' to check all of them
> * Click on delete link
> * Screen refreshes, nothing is marked as deleted, nothing checked, error
>   log has:

Note that I am having other problems too as previously posted.
