[dev] BUG horde/lib/mime/viewer/smime.php

Mike Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Thu, 8 Aug 2002 15:16:40 +0100

Okay... so this is partly my IMAP server.. :-( 

it doesn't return the structure right.. but it would be nice if this failed a
bit more gracefully... 

- Mike :-)

Quoting Mike Cochrane <mike@graftonhall.co.nz>:

> there's an infinite recursion bug in smime.php caused my (i suspect) a bug in
> MIME_Part.
> Here's the offending code (with some debuging code):
>  function resolveViewer()
>     {
>         static $depth;
>         if ($depth > 5) return false;
>         Horde::logMessage('SMIME::resolveViwer() depth:' . $depth++,
> __FILE__,
>         $viewer = null;
>         if (empty($this->viewer)) {
> //           
> var_dump($this->mime_part->getContentTypeParameter('protocol'));
>             $viewer = MIME_Viewer::factory($this->mime_part,
> $this->mime_part->getContentTypeParameter('protocol'));
>             if (empty($viewer) || $viewer === false || get_class($viewer) ==
> 'mime_viewer_default') {
>                 $viewer = MIME_Viewer::factory($this->mime_part,
> $this->mime_part->getPrimaryType() . '/*');
>                 if (empty($viewer) || $viewer === false) {
>                     return false;
>                 }
>             }
>             $this->viewer = $viewer;
>         }
>         return true;
>     }
> The Problem:
> the $this->mime_part->getContentTypeParameter('protocol') call always returns
> false as the 'protocol' parameter is never set in MIME_Part. 
> this causes MIME_Viewer::factory() to return another MIME_Viewer_smime and we
> recurse indefinatly. I have no idea what is different about my system here
> that
> noone else has notices this. PHP just recurses until if FAULTs here... Win32.
> The 3 lines at the top of the code are my debugging code and to stop it
> recusing
> too far.
> And idea's Michael?
> Thanks
> - Mike :-)
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