[dev] PATCH Fetchmail 'POP3 Auto' and 'IMAP Auto' protocols.

Nuno Loureiro nuno@co.eth.pt
09 Aug 2002 18:04:29 +0100

On Fri, 2002-08-09 at 17:48, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Mike Cochrane <mike@graftonhall.co.nz>:
> > This patch adds 'POP3 Auto' and 'IMAP Auto' protocols to the fetchmail
> > pages. It tries connecting to the server with the most secure connectio=
> > type to the least secure until it either runs out of options or finds o=
> > that works.
> This sounds good to me, but I'll leave it to someone who actually know th=
> code in question to apply it...

That sounds interesting to me too...
I'll do my best to take a look to this during this weekend and say
something back by monday.


Nuno Loureiro <nuno@eth.pt>
Ethernet, Soluções Informáticas, LDA