[dev] cfg() function?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 20:41:06 -0400

Quoting Jon Parise <jon@horde.org>:

> No explicit objections, but I'd be interested in hearing more about
> your thoughts on the subject.

Yeah, it's kind of an unformed idea so far.

> How would it handle nested configuration attributes?

Either multiple arguments and func_get_args() (would make having a default 
value hard), or a / syntax (section/settingname) (performance issues).

> What would it do when it encounters an undefined index?

Well, part of my idea was that it could take a 'default' parameter, like 
getFormData() does. Otherwise, return null or false or something - 
something generally reasonable. But it might just be too much overhead for 
not _that_ much gain, especially if we get people to use the new config 
system to keep things up to date less painfully...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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