[dev] Trean... the new horde bookmarks app?

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 08:35:23 -0500

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> > I'd love to see this trean take off.  I'm tired of integrating this old
> > (many years old, php3/phplib) code into the new (php4/nophplib) Horde...
> What kind of features does your code have that we don't yet?
> -chuck
Hmmm.  Let's see.  I've not actually used trean/ingo yet, but the basic
functions should be the same (add, delete, update, list, search).

Our version has an import feature to import netscape bookmarks (not 
MSIE or other browser formats though). Each bookmark entry has the url,
name (short name to display), description (long description of it), keywords
for searches, category and subcatgory (user can create/modify them), rating
(e.g. poor/good/best/not-rated/etc), and a public flag which makes it private
(user only) or public/shared (anyone can search for it).  It can do complex
searches on almost any field, and save searches for later recall.

In some ways I'd bet that is more flexible than the current Ingo.  In others
it is no doubt less flexible since it was Horde-designed from the ground up
(only works with SQL backend, harder to maintain/modify, etc).

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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