[dev] Horde Summary Layout options, in HEAD maybe?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 14:48:49 -0400

Quoting Ryan Gallagher <ryan@studiesabroad.com>:

> Has anyone considered ways to start providing alternate layouts (maybe
> even user defined layouts) for the horde login/summary page.

Yes, and I even have some code to base it on. I just need time to actually
implement it...

> Horde has lots-o-modules and we've even added some of our own, but the
> columns[] approach to laying out summary is quite restrictive.

Mind if I ask what the other modules you've added are?

> Wasn't this sorta the intended goal of jonah?  How's that coming?

Not really, though it did get a bit confusing that way. ;) Jonah's
portal.php is actually what I'd like to turn into the Horde summary screen
system at some point.

Also, there is more of a user preference for laying things out in HEAD right

> Just wondering if I should hack away, or implement jonah as-is in CVS?

If you want to hack on any of the above, go for it!


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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