[dev] Notice: Undefined index: 10 in /usr/local/www/data/horde/lib/Category.php on line 495

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 14:06:15 -0700

I was getting ready to move my head version that I have been testing and was
working well enough to take live with a small group of folks that I use for
testing before going to my production machine.  To get rid of a lot of test
garbage that I had in mysql I decided to drop and recreate my horde database.  
While doing that did one last cvs update and now I'm getting this error that
I didn't have before and I don't know which of the two caused it.  Maybe I
need to reconfigure something that I have forgotten about.

Notice: Undefined index: 10 in /usr/local/www/data/horde/lib/Category.php on
line 495

Any ideas will be appreciated because I'm sure I'm not looking in the right
place and I'm sure i could have looked right over it and I don't completely
understand categories in shared calendars and now tasks.

