[dev] Notice: Undefined index: now (13)
Edwin Culp
Sun, 22 Sep 2002 08:12:48 -0700
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:
| Quoting Edwin Culp <eculp@encontacto.net>:
| > I still don't understand the error, don't think the problem is
| > configuration and definitely don't understand how I have caused the
| > problem as I seem to be the only one seeing it.
| Well, I've now played much more with Nag, etc., with category driver set
| both to 'sql' and 'none', fixed a bunch of issues with 'none', and I've
| still never seen this error.
| What _exactly_ do you need to do to get this? Create shared tasks? Or
| nothing in particular? Give us _exact_ steps to recreate what you've done,
| and maybe we can help you.
Thanks. I do want to point out that these notices don't seem to effect
functionality. I don't even have to do anything to generate them
but start with a clean database and enable the apps that support
shared tasks. The errors initiate with the first entry in mysql categories
for the shared application all by themselves.
For example, I'm now getting Notices logged on index 10 and 19 they are:
horde_categories VALUES (10,'horde.shares','eculp@insourcery.net','m
horde_categories VALUES (19,'horde.shares','eculp@insourcery.net','k
It seems to always be the entry after setting up the share_owner and
share_name. Here are the lines previous to the notices 9 and 18:
horde_categories VALUES (9,'horde.shares','eculp@insourcery.net','ec
t\";s:10:\"share_name\";s:12:\"My Task List\";}',6,20020921124015);
horde_categories VALUES (18,'horde.shares','eculp@insourcery.net','e
.net\";s:10:\"share_name\";s:10:\"My Notepad\";}',6,20020921124017);
| -chuck
| --
| Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
| "After a few minutes the most aromatic and nice smelling Italian coffee
| will come out of the exhaustpipe." - Our stove-top espresso pot
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