[dev] S/MIME again

Mike Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 02:49:13 +1200

> Nevermind.  I've seen the error of my ways and must repent.
> Using the method above, you cannot send a message with an attachment and
> then sign it;  the attachment is thrown away and the proper nesting isn't
> done.
> The problem is that the multipart/signed enclosure must be the outer
> enclosure.
> <sigh> It's beginning to look like using the external openssl binary is
> the way to go (like with gpg).  Too bad - what a rush when smime signing
> seemed to work.

Are you able to send us/me a patch for what you have and i'll have a got at it..
it really don't want to have to use the external binary on win32 here... it's
hard to get recent, quality builds....

- Mike :-)