[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: horde/templates/prefs select.inc

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed Oct 30 15:03:34 2002

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>:

> I don't think it'll break _too_ much as this call was inserted a very
> short time ago and wasn't even merged to RELENG_2. If html entities are
> necessary they have to be created in the code using the select pref 
> because:

That burden shouldn't be on the code using the API; even though it was only
put there recently, it _should_ have been there since the start.

> The situation before my patch was: We had entities in nls.php but as
> these values were passed through htmlspecialchars() the entity strings 
> were displayed, not the special characters.
> We have to use entities in the $nls array because that's the only way to
> safely display the iso-8859-1 characters from the language list within
> all charsets.

This seems like the cart driving the horse, to me. I'd rather the language
list be slightly broken (or not use perfectly native characters for all
languages, or used utf-8 or what have you) than open this potential hole.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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 - Google, thanks to Harpers