[dev] Horde_Categories Broken?

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Mon Dec 2 19:18:27 2002

Quoting "marioy@upb.edu.co" <marioy@upb.edu.co>:

 | Last nigth I updated horde-csv to the head version and kronolith, mnemo, nag
 | and trean stopped working reporting some problem in the lib/Category/sql.php
 | file. Has anybody experienced this behavior? Is it a bug?? What can I do to
 | help?
IIRC there was a table change in horde_categories.  Check yours against
the horde/scripts/category_mysql.sql.  Then you might just try
something like:

mysql --user horde -p horde <<% 
ALTER TABLE horde_categories ADD COLUMN category_order int(11) NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE horde_categories ADD INDEX category_order_idx (category_order);


The alter table should be one line each.


 | I can give a more explicit report but I want to check out first before I
 | start
 | cluttering the list.
 | Regards
 | Mario
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