[dev] horde_template weirdness

Marko marko at oblo.com
Wed Dec 4 03:34:56 2002

here are some weird "features" of the template engine:

1) if the <loop:...> tag is started on the very first line of the template and
there's no character between the start of the <loop:...> and the file, it will
not actually do a loop. doing just a <tag:somevar /> works fine, it prints the
somevar, but <loop:..> no.
one solution - put a space between the start of the template and the loop tag
and it works!

2) if the loop is to be repeated, it has to be used exactly the same way for it
to be printed again. ie. if it is once:
<loop:mylist> <li><tag:mylist /> </loop:mylist>

then using it again in the file:
<loop:mylist><tag:mylist />, </loop:mylist>

will not work.

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