[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: passwd/lib/Driver expect.php ldap.php poppassd.php servuftp.php smbpasswd.php sql.php vmailmgr.php passwd/locale/en_US help.xml passwd/templates/main main.inc

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Dec 6 14:58:25 2002

Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu>:

>   Log:
>   * First attempt at removing need to logout/login after password change
>   * Should work with Horde Auth and IMP Auth.  Are there other cases???

Only weird ones that would be difficult anyway, like Horde's http auth driver.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
 - Google, thanks to Harpers

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