[dev] TREAN: import patch

Florian Clever fc at clever-soft.net
Tue Dec 10 23:03:53 PST 2002


Attached is a minature patch to get the "rudimentary" bookmark import to
execute again without runtime execution failures.

It still does not properly import hierarchies. Maybe I will find some time
to fix that later. But at least it executes again.

Looks like when the addCategory and newCategory methods were removed from
trean/lib/Trean.php, some of the calls to those functions in trean/data.php
were not properly replaced with $trean-> as elsewhere in the same commit.
Also the call to addCategory(, -1) was not correct anymore.


Florian Clever

Clever Software Solutions
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Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/attachments/20021210/f7414fc9/trean.import.obj

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