Fwd: Re: [dev] Re: [cvs] imp update: 'imp/config mime.php3,2.0,2.1'

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Dec 11 14:45:21 PST 2002

We actually have a lot of the pieces for this now. Anyone inspired?

----- Forwarded message from mhardy@smithsonite.rice.edu -----
    Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 17:45:49 -0500 (CDT)
    From: Mike Hardy <mhardy@smithsonite.rice.edu>
Reply-To: dev@horde.org
 Subject: Re: [dev] Re: [cvs] imp update: 'imp/config mime.php3,2.0,2.1'
      To: dev@horde.org

On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting Mike Hardy <mhardy@smithsonite.rice.edu>:
> > This brings up something else, what did you guys think about the module
> > registering stuff? Yes, I know the implementation is currently pretty bad
> > (mea culpa), but what about the notion of registering and the array I
> > build as an interface?
> I like the notion, and I think an array is probably a good way to do it. But
> yeah, (no offense) the implementation definitely needs to be gone over a
> bit...

None taken, some code I'm proud of, this code rots. It happens :-), and it
was just a first cut anyway...

> > If this is good, perhaps we can do the same thing for MIME types?
> Something like it, certainly.

Cool, can you guys think of a better way to do it then the way I did?

Algorithmically, I'm trying to do this (note this is semi-big picture
since I've logically split the Horde and Module-specific setup stuff):

1) Horde setup engine starts, and scans its directory
2) Horde setup engine gives you menu of modules it sees
3) Horde setup engine starts running module setup for module you chose
4) Module setup program gets all of the variables it needs
5) Module setup tells Horde setup program its parameters for the registry
	(this is an array of parameters in a file at the moment)
6) Horde setup engine stores the info
	(this is a straight copy of the snippet into a dir. right now)
7) Horde setup engine rebuilds registry
	(this is a concatenation of all snippets right now) 
8) If you uninstall, #6 is reversed, and #7 is repeated

Currently the action of #6-8 suck badly, but the algorithm above seemed
sound using file snippets.

This would theoretically work well with the MIME stuff as well, but I'd
love some comment


----- End forwarded message -----


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
 - Google, thanks to Harpers

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