[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: horde/lib/MIME Message.php

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Wed Jan 8 12:10:50 PST 2003

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

| chuck       2003/01/08 10:55:50 PST
|   Modified files:
|     lib/MIME             Message.php
|   Log:
|   - if style
|   - return a reference
|   Revision  Changes    Path
|   1.55      +6 -4      horde/lib/MIME/Message.php
|   Chora Links:
| http://cvs.horde.org/diff.php/horde/lib/MIME/Message.php?

This is a bit dangerous since the entire MIME_Message object may be 
unknownigly altered by using the return from getBasePart().  I think we 
should either return a reference to a copy of the object, or check to make 
sure that no object returned by getBasePart() is ever modified in the 
present codebase.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]

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