[dev] Re: trean: bookmarks/catagories not saved

Klavs Klavsen kl at vsen.dk
Thu Jan 9 18:41:01 PST 2003

On Thu,  9 Jan 2003 11:34:49 -0500
Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> wrote:

> Quoting Klavs Klavsen <kl at vsen.dk>:
> > I have the latest trean CVS HEAD installed, but when I try to add a
> > catagory or a bookmark - it doesn't save them. I don't get any error
> > messages either.
> > 
> > I think the problem is because I haven't found a place to configure
> > the driver.
> Set up the Horde categories driver in horde/config/conf.php
Thanks. I missed that.

If I wrote up the error messages/problems I just solved today and
yesterday - and added the answers - would you add it to the FAQ?

Klavs Klavsen - kl at vsen.dk - http://www.vsen.dk

Working with Unix is like wrestling a worthy opponent. 
Working with windows is like attacking a small whining child 
who is carrying a .38.				

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