[dev] Notes/Tasks don't show in Horde page

Harry Hoffman hhoffman at ip-solutions.net
Tue Jan 14 14:02:13 PST 2003

Chuck was right, I didn't understand him. I was looking under Horde->options
instead of under the individual applications options.

Thanks for the help,

Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:

*> Quoting Harry Hoffman <hhoffman at ip-solutions.net>:
*> > Chuck,
*> >   If I understand you correctly that applies to the Heading (i.e.-> Notes
*> |
*> > Tasks). I have those but the actual notes and tasks created don't show
*> under
*> > those headings whereas they used to.
*> If could be one of three things:
*> 1) What Chuck says, a preference for which apps to show in the summary
*> 2) A preference in notes as to which categories to show in the summary
*> 3) You upgraded from the old share format to the new share format code but
*>    didn't update your share data
*> --
*> Eric Rostetter
*> The Department of Physics
*> The University of Texas at Austin
*> Why get even? Get odd!

Harry Hoffman
ITSS Systems Team Leader
University of Auckland
hhoffman at auckland.ac.nz
hhoffman at ip-solutions.net
*This universe shipped by weight, not volume.*
*Some expansion may have occured in shipping.*

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