[dev] Moment Patch

Dan Wilson dan at acucore.com
Wed Jan 22 15:43:18 PST 2003

I didn't know where to send this:

[dan at kamino meeting]$ cvs diff attendees.inc 
Index: attendees.inc
RCS file: /repository/moment/templates/meeting/attendees.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -r1.5 attendees.inc
<                     <img src="/horde/moment/graphics/delete.gif" border="0" 
alt="Remove Attendee" title="Remove Attendee" />
>                     <?php echo Horde::img('delete.gif', _("Remove 
Attendee"), 'align="left"'); ?>
<                       <img src="/horde/moment/graphics/delete.gif" 
border="0" alt="Remove Attendee" title="Remove Attendee" />
>                         <?php echo Horde::img('delete.gif', _("Remove 
Attendee"), 'align="left"'); ?>

It looks like it's gonna wrap, but you get the picture.  Should be an easy 
change.  I have my horde webroot as '' rather than '/horde' and so anything 
hard-coded with /horde messes up on my system.


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