[dev] Browser detection in unified menu code

John Morrissey jwm at horde.net
Tue Jan 28 12:59:35 PST 2003

I updated my local instance of HEAD this morning; it looks like $browser
isn't defined in templates/javascript/menu.js, so the non-DOM JavaScript is
sent. Patch attached.

John Morrissey          _o            /\         ----  __o
jwm at horde.net        _-< \_          /  \       ----  <  \,
www.horde.net/    __(_)/_(_)________/    \_______(_) /_(_)__
-------------- next part --------------
Index: javascript.php
RCS file: /repository/horde/javascript.php,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -u -r1.15 javascript.php
--- javascript.php	26 Jan 2003 20:50:09 -0000	1.15
+++ javascript.php	28 Jan 2003 17:55:53 -0000
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
 @define('HORDE_BASE', dirname(__FILE__));
 require_once HORDE_BASE . '/lib/Horde.php';
 require_once HORDE_BASE . '/lib/Registry.php';
+require_once HORDE_BASE . '/lib/Browser.php';
+$browser = &new Browser();
 $registry = &Registry::singleton(HORDE_SESSION_READONLY);
 // Figure out if we've been inlined, or called directly.

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