[dev] moving turba to horde_forms

Marko marko at oblo.com
Sat Feb 1 03:25:36 PST 2003

attached is a patch and a tarball of a few extra files that are meant to show
the start of moving turba to horde_forms.

the patch is a bit dirty but allows a record to be inserted, but just wanted to
see what people think, can a direction like this be taken where the horde_form
functionality is inserted into the current turba framework... or do we need a
deeper rewrite of turba?

attached is the sources.php file just giving a few examples and attributes. the
attributes should definately be expanded quite a bit to accommodate the greater
range of params that could be passed to horde_forms.

a bit of work needs to be done on horde_forms too, to be able to handle the
horde object variables (ie. monthdayyear, password/email confirm will all fail
because object[somevar]_confirm will not come through horde_form).

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Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/attachments/20030201/b9957ac3/turba-0001.bin
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Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/attachments/20030201/b9957ac3/turba.patch-0001.obj

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