[dev] Problem with To: and From: fields format that horde/imp isn't responsible for .

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Mon Feb 10 06:22:58 PST 2003

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu>:

 | Quoting eculp at encontacto.net:
 | | About a month ago I started seeing an issue with received email.  The
 | | formating of the To: and From: fields is strange.  If I receive an email
 | | eculp at morando.org it is changed to "" <eculp at morando.org>.  If the from
 | | address,
 | | is Edwin Culp <eculp at insourcery.net> and try to add it to the address
 | | book
 | | it is sent as "" <eculp at insourcery.net> and generates an error for the
 | | name field.
 | In the past, this has been reported as a problem with PHP/c-client, so you
 | may want to upgrade to new versions of each (PHP 4.3.0 and c-client 2002a
 | seem to work fine for me).

Thanks, Michael.  I'm using 2001a on the machine that works and 2002 on the
machine that doesn't.  I'm going to try the newer version.  That makes a lot
of sense.  I knew there was something that I hadn't checked. :-)




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