[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: horde/lib Tree.php

Marko Djukic marko at oblo.com
Mon Feb 24 02:32:41 PST 2003

Quoting Marko Djukic <marko at oblo.com>:

> > I'd prefer that the new Tree class extend CategoryTree - CategoryTree_dom
> The only thing that is slightly confusing is that Tree as it is, is not tied
> strictly to Category.php, to imply it is related by naming it CategoryTree.
> It
> can take any array and dump a tree out of it.
> I see it is more logical having a generic Tree base and then extending it
> with
> horde_categories specific Tree class.

just as an afterthought to highlight that it's not exactly related only to
Horde_Category... one thing that i'd definately find useful is for example
setting certain mailboxes in imp to be always sorted by thread, then have that
mailbox fed through a Tree class to get an expandable DOM version of the mailbox
view. this means you can have mailing list type mailboxes that have a lot of
traffic and you could follow easier the thread activity which is of interest by
having it displayed in a more compact form, yet have all the info available
Troll too come to think of it, relies on a dom tree which is not related to
Horde_Category, which could be handled by a central horde tree class, no?


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