[dev] mapquest link...

Marko Djukic marko at oblo.com
Wed Feb 26 22:14:50 PST 2003

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Marc Jauvin <marc at register4less.com>:
> > If I want to re-implement the feature that was displaying a
> > MapQuest link for a contact with a valid street address
> > (use to be in turba/templates/display/display.inc)...
> >
> > where should I "hack into"? Any suggestion?
> Shucks, I didn't even notice that had disappeared. Marko? How about a custom
> Horde_Form_Type_address? (define it in Turba only for now, probably).

yes it has been on my todo list ever since i switched turba over to horde_form.
that plus the "pgp" and the "phone" types.


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