[dev] Re: [imp] whitelist patch...

Amith Varghese amith at xalan.com
Wed Mar 5 11:45:13 PST 2003

> This is the signature for PEAR::raiseError():
>     function &raiseError($message = null,
>                          $code = null,
>                          $mode = null,
>                          $options = null,
>                          $userinfo = null,
>                          $error_class = null,
>                          $skipmsg = false)
> Pass back the general success/failure message in $message, the overall
> success/failure code in $code, and all the extra information you need in
> $userinfo (which addresses failed, which were duplicates, etc.). Leave all
> the other parameters null.

This sounds good except I guess I have a problem returning a PEAR_Error even
though all addresses may have been added successfully.  I guess the name
"PEAR_Error" makes me think that an error occurred - when in reality it may not
have.  But if this is what makes sense I'll change my patch to work with this.

> How about instead allowing Notification objects to contain a link parameter,
> and in the notification about blacklist/whitelist, including a link to view
> the appropriate list?

I'll try this


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