[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: trean add.php trean/lib Bookmarks.php Trean.php trean/templates/add nocategories.inc

Brent J. Nordquist bjn at horde.org
Thu Mar 6 21:10:15 PST 2003

On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, Brent J. Nordquist <bjn at horde.org> wrote:

> Ensure that errors are displayed when adding a bookmark or category fails

Speaking of errors on category adds, I'm getting them.  :-)  This is the
first time I've used categories.  Is there something that needs to be done
to the SQL db (the horde_categories table) to "bootstrap" it (adding a
top-level to the hierarchy or something)?

Neither Trean add-category nor Horde admin. add-group works (they both
return unknown DB error).  But I have verified (a) that MySQL support in
PHP is working, (b) that the Horde part is working (I am using SQL for
Horde auth., and I can log in as an admin. user), and (c) that the Horde
user has rights to add a row to the horde_categories table (I can do it

The next thing I'll try is a simple test of the Horde categories class to
store an object in SQL, but I thought I'd ask if I'm missing something
simple.  If someone will help me figure this out, I'll document it.

Brent J. Nordquist <bjn at horde.org> N0BJN
Other contact information: http://www.nordist.net/contact.html

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