[dev] Re: [imp] whitelist patch...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Mar 7 08:49:06 PST 2003

Quoting Amith Varghese <amith at xalan.com>:

> The problem with a general success/failure message is that it is possible
> when adding an address to a blacklist that the address could either exist 
> or not exist in the blacklist.  If the address is in the list I would like 
> to print
> "amith at xalan.com is already in your blacklist"
> If the address is not in the list I would like to print
> "amith at xalan.com has been added to your blacklist"


> I would like to pass back both but I can't pass an array here without 
> serializing the array or imploding it.

That is false.

> The last problem I'm having with this solution is that i want to pass
> back a list of addresses that were added successfully and a list that
> already existed in the blacklist.  However $userinfo is a string and the 
> only way i can think of again is to pass information back using 
> serialize()

$userinfo can be whatever you want it to be, really.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
I know there's fish out there, but where g-d only knows.

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