[dev] Re: Problem with session

Roman Dvoran roman at dvoran.sk
Sun Mar 30 09:16:18 PST 2003

Roman Dvoran wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have the latest cvs snapshot.
> When I try to login, I got following error
> <b>Warning</b>:  Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that
> the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in
> <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br />
> I'm doing cvs update every 1-2 days, and 2 days before, everything was OK.
> the login is OK, from horde.log, but it will return me to the login
> screen.
> roman dvoran
after some investigation and comaration to old runnung versions I realized:

Problem seems to start occuring after patch in lib/Horde.php at line 155
<                 $new_session_id = base64_encode($GLOBALS['UNIQUE_ID']);
>                 $new_session_id = $GLOBALS['UNIQUE_ID'];

the patch was about to add function base64_encode to sessionID.
when you remove the function, it will be working, (for me does).

This is not causing the problem, but side effect. It might sometimes
occure the problem with session, as I realized, but it's once per 100s
generated sessionID. hope this helps developers to find the real problem.

Is anybody successfully running latest CVS horde and IMP ?
I wonder if all have the same problem or not.
Note I'm using files for session. I tried sql session handler,
it takes me in, but when I select any application, I'm redirected to
login page. This was also happening before patch, that broke my 
file session handler

any suggestions ?


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