[dev] App Status Modification

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu May 1 20:56:32 PDT 2003

Quoting Joe Wilson <joe.wilson at mindcandy.org>:

> So, now the point where I need guidance.  I note that throughout the
> framework code,  there are places in the code where comparisons are made
> to status directly ($registry->applications[$appname]['status']) and
> whether it is set to active or inactive (or header, etc.).  The question I
> have is, what is the best way to proceed here?

The best way is most likely to replace all of those direct checks with a
$registry->appStatus($app) call.

> The most ambitious (and probably proper) way to address this is to modify
> Registry.php to process the "perm" value and return active or inactive
> depending on the users permissions (e.g.
> $registry->getParam('status',$appname)).  This would, obviously, require
> changes to every app that uses this value as well as addition of a Perms
> objectto Registry.php.

Right. Those apps should probably be using an API to access that value,
though, anyway, so the change makes sense.

> Another approach is to simply modify all places where the comparisons are
> made and add code to handle the "perm" value appropriately.

Heck no. :)

> Thoughts?  Comments?  Any impact that I am not aware of due to my
> ignorance of the vast majority of the framework code?

We're going to need to optimize the permissions system soon. I've been
hacking very slowly at a way to do it, but am not really getting the time
to spend on that. Other contributions welcome.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
The alligators were there, too, in a bathtub inside the house.

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