[dev] Is valid this Patch for Menu::appLinks()?

Sebastian Calero Laguia scalero at datadec.es
Fri May 23 00:33:45 PDT 2003

In this function for the "Logout" link is not work properly when I use the
menu frameset. Solved with this:

     * Print out any links to other Horde applications that are
     * defined in $conf['menu']['apps'].
    function appLinks()
        global $conf, $registry;
        if (isset($conf['menu']['apps']) && is_array($conf['menu']['apps']))
            foreach ($conf['menu']['apps'] as $app) {
                if ($registry->getParam('status', $app) != 'inactive') {
                    $url = $registry->getInitialPage($app);
                    if (!is_a($url, 'PEAR_Error')) {
+                       if (($app == 'logout') && $conf['menu']['display'])
+                           Menu::printItem(Horde::url($url),
+                                           $registry->getParam('name',
$app), $registry->getParam('icon', $app), '', '_parent');
+                       } else
+                       Menu::printItem(Horde::url($url),
+                                       $registry->getParam('name', $app),
$registry->getParam('icon', $app), '');


Sebastian Calero
Datadec Online.

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