[dev] Horde; Turba; Kolab

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Jun 3 06:49:19 PDT 2003

Quoting Adriaan Putter <adriaan at gondwanasoft.co.za>:

> 1. The vCard data object in horde does it support vCard Version 3.0?

I'm not sure; my guess is only accidentally, so far.

> ~   I have notice that in the getHash function that you retrieve address
> ~   information from the LABEL type and not the ADR type?
> ~   The Version 3.0 Got a ADR type with diffrent attributes, and values
> consist of
> :POBox:External_Address:Address:Locality:Region:Postal_Code:Country

Patches to help with this would be great. I haven't touched the code in a
while, and it's not currently high on my priority list.

> 2. Will Turba support Locality, Region, Postal_Code and Country
> attributes? You should I add these by myself?

Turba can be configured to provide any attribute you care to have.

> If I want to contribute to horde in change some vCard stuff, should I
> just post it here?

Yes, definitely!


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
The alligators were there, too, in a bathtub inside the house.

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