[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: whups/docs CHANGES whups details.php whups/lib Driver.php Search.php Whups.php whups/templates queryrenderer.inc whups/lib/Driver sql.php whups/config templates.php.dist whups/scripts/drivers whups.sql

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Jun 19 05:30:21 PDT 2003

Zitat von Bo Daley <bo at tilda.com.au>:

> Nice!
> >   - need a migration script (volunteers?)
> the attached script seems to work for me, but only by disabling
> authentication
> in whups/lib/base.php -- ie. commenting out the test for
> Auth->isAuthenticated()... is there a way to circumvent authentication
> for an
> administrative script like this?

Yes, we usually set a $self_contained_auth variable for this purpose, but
Whups didn't support it yet.

I fixed this and changed the script to be more verbose on errors.


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