[dev] passwd...

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Wed Jun 25 16:41:37 PDT 2003

Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:

> Have the machine up, but still can't
> get the DLT to work (HP sent me a replacement drive, which seems to work
> but returns gibberish instead of my data from my tapes).

Update: machine is up, DLT is working, am now pulling the dump files from
the tapes for file restoration.  Vacation is now much needed...

Still have some issues (My AMD Athlon MP 2200+ shows up as a 2000+ and not
a 2200+) but everything is at least running again, and I have my files back!

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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