[dev] Turba and Kronolith

James Van Sickle gothbert at spamcop.net
Wed Jul 2 12:18:20 PDT 2003


   I have added two date fields to the Turba address book to track birthdays and
anniversaries.  I would like to have Kronolith display these dates in the main
calendar and summmary similar to how it does with Nag Tasks.  I found the
following entry for Nag Task display.  What would I modify here and in other
files for this to work with the Turba address book date field?

/* Nag Tasks. */
if ($prefs->getValue('show_tasks') &&
    (Auth::getAuth() ||
$registry->allowGuests($registry->hasMethod('tasks/list')))) {
    $taskList = $registry->call('tasks/list');
    $dueEndStamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $endDate->month, $endDate->mday +
    if (!is_a($taskList, 'PEAR_Error')) {
foreach ($taskList as $task) {
    if ($task['due'] >= $startOfPeriodTimestamp && $task['due'] < $dueEndStamp)
	$event = &$calendar->getEventObject();
	$event->setTitle(sprintf(_("Due: %s"), $task['name']));
	$event->taskID = $task['task_id'];
	$event->tasklistID = $task['tasklist_id'];
	$event->setEndTimestamp($task['due'] + 1);
	$dayStamp = mktime(0, 0, 0,
	   date('n', $task['due']),
	   date('j', $task['due']),
	   date('Y', $task['due']));
	$results[$dayStamp]['_task' . $task['task_id']] = $event;


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