[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: agora forums.php agora/config html.php.dist agora/templates/forums forums.html agora/templates/threads threads.html

Marko Djukic marko at oblo.com
Tue Jul 8 06:50:01 PDT 2003

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

>   Log:
>   clean up the forum and thread listings.

would it be possible to clean up a bit the css naming in html.php.dist?

we have some fairly unintuitive names, which are used in often mismatched
situations. for example, why are the column headers in forums using the
"control" class? in turba/mnemo column headers use the "item" class, jonah
"item0", etc.
and then neither "control" nor "item" actually give an indication that they will
be affecting list headers. it would help if the name in html.php gives an
indication about what it would be changing downstream in the programs.



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