[dev] IMP: [patch] imp/lib/Identity/imp/php

Marc Jauvin marc at register4less.com
Wed Jul 16 15:58:06 PDT 2003

Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:

> Zitat von Marc Jauvin <marc at register4less.com>:
> > This patch allow a hook to be used when there is no "from address"
> > defined (no
> > default identity created yet).
> You can already use a pref hook for the from_addr preference that will do
> the same.

This is either broken or has been removed from the code. Can you verify that
this works for you (and if so, let me know how to activate)?

The patch I provided allow for the Compose Window to set the "From:" field to a
custom value if no Identity has been created).


Marc Jauvin

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